ClearCorrect™ and Invisalign® – 2 Orthodontic Solutions

We are a Certified Provider of two types of Clear Aligners, ClearCorrect™ and Invisalign®

ClearCorrect™ and Invisalign® – 2 Orthodontic Solutions


You’ve dreamed of a beautiful smile for as long as you can remember. It’s NOT too late! From teens to seniors that beautiful smile is just Clear Aligners procedure away.

It is important to note that both Invisalign® and and ClearCorrect® are excellent orthodontic choices however depending on the individual orthodontic problem presented by the patient one might be the preferable choice of treatment. Which is the correct option for you?

What is ClearCorrect™?

ClearCorrect™ is the clear and simple way to straighten your teeth without wearing braces so you can show off your smile!

No wires. No brackets. Just clear, convenient comfort—every reason to smile. ClearCorrect™ is one of the clearest aligner systems available.


With ClearCorrect™, your teeth can be straightened using a series of clear, custom, removable aligners. Each aligner moves your teeth just a little bit at a time until you eventually get straight teeth. Most reasonably priced, ClearCorrect™ will even replace lost or broken trays free of charge.

ClearCorrect™ fits your life and daily routine as perfectly as it fits your teeth—you don't need to change a thing.

Results are faster the more you wear your aligners, and ClearCorrect™ was designed to be effortless and non-intrusive in your life so you can wear your aligners as much as possible. Your aligners are easy to put in and take out when you eat or clean your teeth.

Common Problems ClearCorrect™ Addresses

  • Crowding: Teeth that are too close together can become crooked causing discomfort, difficulty cleaning and can lead to other dental problems.
  • Spacing: Gaps between teeth are generally undesirable cosmetically, but can also increase the chance of tooth decay.
  • Crossbite: When lower and upper teeth are not aligned properly it can cause difficulty chewing and lead to jaw and other dental problems.
  • Overbite: Aside from generally being a cosmetic concern, overbites can also cause eating problems and dental issues.


  • The dentist will take impressions, photos, and x-rays which he will send to ClearCorrect™ with a precise prescription for your custom aligners. ClearCorrect™ uses your records to create exact 3D models of your teeth and maps out a complete treatment plan of gradual adjustment that takes your teeth from where they are currently to where you and the dentist want them to end up.
  • Once completed, you and the dentist will be able to preview the projected results of your treatment in your "treatment set-up," a computer representation of your teeth before and after treatment.
  • When you and the dentist are satisfied with the projected results shown in your treatment set-up, the manufacturing process begins. Using the latest digital mapping and molding technology, ClearCorrect™ creates your custom aligners with computer precision.
  • You will wear your aligners all the time, except while eating and drinking or during daily tooth care, such as brushing and flossing. Your ClearCorrect™ aligners are so clear they are barely noticeable so they won't have an impact on your day to day life. Aligner by aligner, you'll be able to see the difference as your teeth slowly adjust and align to your target smile.
  • You will visit us periodically for checkups to see how you're progressing until you eventually have the straight smile you've always wanted.


What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® has changed the face of orthodontics. Instead of wires attached to your teeth, your teeth can now be straightened invisibly.

  • Invisalign® is clear. You can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing.
  • Invisalign® is removable. Unlike braces, you can eat and drink what you want during treatment. You can also brush and floss normally to maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Invisalign® is comfortable. No metal brackets or wires to cause mouth irritation, and less time in the dentist’s chair getting adjustments.

The Invisalign® process has been proven effective in clinical research and in orthodontic practices nationwide. However, only a certified dentist like ours can undertake this procedure.

How Does Invisalign® Work?

  • A set of aligners are worn for 1 week, removing them only to eat, drink, brush, and floss.
  • As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week – until they have straightened to the final position the dentist has prescribed.
  • You will visit us approximately once every 6 weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned.
  • Total treatment time averages 6 months. This of course will vary from case to case.

The aligners are made through a combination of our dentists’ expertise and 3-D computer imaging technology provided by the Invisalign® company.

Call us today to find out if ClearCorrect™ and Invisalign® are right for you.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss any aspect of your dental health - we don’t charge for giving advice!


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean euismod bibendum laoreet. Proin gravida dolor sit amet lacus accumsan et viverra justo commodo. Proin sodales pulvinar tempor.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam fermentum, nulla luctus pharetra vulputate, felis tellus mollis orci, sed rhoncus sapien nunc eget.

Audio Testimonial Title: Procedure Name (Patient Name)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean euismod bibendum laoreet. Proin gravida dolor sit amet lacus accumsan et viverra justo commodo. Proin sodales pulvinar tempor.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam fermentum, nulla luctus pharetra vulputate, felis tellus mollis orci, sed rhoncus sapien nunc eget.

Audio Testimonial Title #2: Procedure Name (Patient Name)
A wonderful experience from start to finish. I’m grateful to have found this dentist.
—Happy Patient
A wonderful experience from start to finish. I’m grateful to have found this dentist.
—Happy Patient
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